The Mage (Magician)

As I begin to write this, I feel the need to let people know that even though I read for a living, I am still very ‘young’ and naive as a Tarot reader.  So far, most of my readings have fallen more on intuition than on the traditional meanings of the cards.  The main purpose of this blog is for my own self discovery, as well as to share with others who are just beginning.

The Magician… This is one of my favorite cards in the deck because it motivates and intrigues me. The 4 elements  displayed in the card remind me that all of the resources needed to succeed are available and that the time to act on my will is  now. The Mage from the Thoth deck is the one I love most and the ‘balanced’ feel lends inspiration when it shows up in one of my own readings, especially if it is a career related spread. There are some who see this as a more negative and deceptive card; I don’t usually see it this way, but I tend to be a ‘glass half-full’ type of person.

Mercury is all about communication and thought. When this energy is present, it can be an indicator that there will be higher understanding, creativity, and communication skill. It is the ideal time to carry out your goals.

“He is Mercury, the messenger of God, and juggles with the four symbols of the elements, and the papyrus or Word, the pen or Will, the wand or Wisdom. He represents the creative force in action. As Thoth in Egyptian tradition, his attendant and shadow is the Cynocephalus Ape.” — Lady Frieda Harris, 1942 (Painter of the Thoth Tarot cards)

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  • Atu:1
  • Hebrew Letter: Beth (house)
  • Alchemical Element: Air
  • Qabalah: Path 12 connecting Kether and Binah
  • Astrological Correspondence: Mercury
  • My Keywords*: Manifestation of Will, focus,motivation, skill, communication, intelligence, resourcefulness, conscious action

I don’t normally read reversals but if I had to, I would read the reversed Magician in the same way that I would view Mercury Retrograde. To some of us, that means communication and perhaps technology gone awry. I would probably hold off on trying to direct my will in this case.


  1. #1 by Edgar Danmer on January 23, 2012 - 5:42 am

    Honesty is the best policy. I like the fact that you say that you are new to the Tarot Leila. Even though I have been studying the Tarot for the last 15 years, everyday I feel I am new to the Tarot. I think that is one of the wonderful things about the Tarot. In two days time I am writing about the Magician. Let me know what you think. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts.

    • #2 by Emmons Beasley on January 26, 2012 - 3:19 pm

      Thank you for your feedback Edgar. I am considering my blog to be more like ‘student space to post homework on. I know there will probably be quite a bit that doesn’t ring quite right, so I will always welcome feedback and corrections.

      I just subscribed to your blog and it looks great!

  1. There is nothing wrong in Not Knowing « Contemporary Tarot Association
  2. Introduction to the 22 Major Arcana cards of Marseilles Tarot Course « Contemporary Tarot Association

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